
Natalie M Natalie M

5 Tips to Staying Motivated at Work

Feeling in a slump and looking for ways to stay motivated in the workplace? Look no further, you can implement these practical tips starting today.

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Natalie M Natalie M

Unleashing Your Brain’s Superpowers: The Path to Cognitive Strength and Wellbeing

Cognitive strength is the brain's ability to think critically, learn, solve problems, and remember things. By focusing on improving these abilities, we can boost our mental health, productivity, and quality of life. Let's explore some effective strategies to strengthen your cognitive function and see how it can positively impact your holistic wellbeing.

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Natalie M Natalie M

Embracing Balance: How to Reduce Stress at Work

In the fast-paced world we live in, stress is an unavoidable aspect of work that we all have to deal with at times. Whether it’s the pressure of deadlines, the demand to produce high-quality work, or dealing with difficult colleagues, stress can wear us down and make us feel overwhelmed. Here are some ideas for how you can reduce stress by prioritizing wellness at work.

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Natalie M Natalie M

Worker ≠ machine

Workers all around the globe are giving every ounce of effort and value they have to their bosses and to their companies. But what if this approach is actually detrimental to our wellbeing? What if we're not machines built to run at full throttle all day long?

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Natalie M Natalie M

How do metrics impact our wellness?

While there are undeniable benefits to collecting and interpreting data, mostly so we can improve and progress, the constant focus on metrics can also have significant downsides, particularly when it comes to our overall mental health and wellness.

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